Curriculum Vitae

Was born in the district town of Humenné. He spent his childhood and youth in the village of Starina in eastern Slovakia. In 1983 the village on the map of Slovakia was replaced by a water reservoir for drinking water.
1974 - 1979
studied art and Russian language at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of P. J. Šafárik in Prešov
1984 - 1987
completed several study visits in East Germany, West Germany, Netherlands, USSR - Krasnodar, Georgia - Tbilisi, Switzerland
1984 - 1987
1987 - 1989
graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague
after the dissolution of the Union of Slovak Visual Artists, he became a member of the UBS - Slovak Art Forum
founded the Andrej Smolák Gallery in Snina as a subsidiary of the MIRO Gallery Berlin
founded the International Fine Art Festival, which is held annually in Snina, in the eastern Slovakia
founded the ART.EAST Foundation to support of fine arts
he was awarded the Franz Kafka Prize for artistic activity
founded a subsidiary gallery in Bratislava
has implemented the project – the Longest Painting in the World - 655 m
painted a painting (12 meters wide) on the Berlin Wall - EAST SIDE GALLERY, which he also restored in 2009 on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall
he was awarded the European Union Art Prize
started to implement the project of the Gallery of Monumental Sculptures in Snina region
he was awarded the Salvador Dali World Prize in Prague
established Private Primary School of Arts and Adult Drawing and Painting School in Snina
began to implement the worldwide project Painted Equator Gallery, with a message of positive thinking, tolerance of cultures of peoples of the world and friendship between nations
was awarded the Prize of the Chairman of the PSK - the Prešov Self-governing Region of Peter Chudík for the development of culture in the region
was awarded the Honorary Prize for Art of the Association of Art and Culture in the Italian town of Marigliano
International charity fund The Patrons of the Century in Moscow awarded him the "Česť i poľza" Medal

founded KREMENEC Foundation to support the preservation of traditions and culture of Ruthenians
became a member - correspondent of MAKU - International Academy of Culture and Art in Moscow
was awarded the Artista Segnalato Award - an artistic discovery of the year in Grottammar, Italy
he got the 3rd Special Prize of the International Jury - ex equo in Sant'Elpidio, Italy
was awarded the Silver Order for art services by the International Academy of Culture and Art in Moscow
he was awarded the Artistic Prize by an international jury of experts in Grottamare, Italy
he was awarded the medal In The Name of Life on Earth by the Good People of the World movement in Moscow
was awarded the Golden Order for art services by the International Academy of Culture and Art in Moscow
her made four exhibitions of his paintings and a presentation of the Painted Equator Gallery project in Minsk, Podoľsk, Polock and Vitebsk – Belarus
became director of the Slovak branch of the International Academy of Culture and Art in Moscow and was awarded the Order of Peace of the 2nd degree
realized an exhibition of his paintings and a presentation of the project Painted Equator Gallery at the Slovak Institute in Warsaw
was awarded the Premio Speciale Della Critica Prize - Special Critics Prize in Porto Sant´Elpidio, Italy
presented his works at the exhibition in Saratov, which was associated with the project Painted Equator Gallery presentation
realized his jubilee authorial exhibition in the Presidential Palace in Bratislava
completed the facility of the Art Center in Snina, which serves for the creative stays of pupils, students and artists
continued in the implementation of the Painted Equator Gallery project in Serbia, Kazakhstan and Slovakia, where many athletes, Olympic and paralympic athletes participated in the painting
expanded his Private Elementary Art School with 14 elocated workplaces in the villages around Snina
realized the project Painted Equator Gallery in Riga
realized an exhibition of his paintings at the Slovak Institute in Moscow and at the European Union Assembly in Moscow
realized an exhibition of his paintings in Kazan (Tatarstan, Russian Federation) together with a presentation of the project Painted Equator Gallery

Doteraz namaľoval viac ako 6000 obrazov. Venuje sa komornej maľbe, akvarelovým krajinám a portrétom. Vytvoril niekoľko stovák portrétov neznámych ľudí i známych osobností.
Od roku 1982 usporiadal vyše 70 samostatných výstav na Slovensku, v Česku, Nemecku, Poľsku, Švajčiarsku, Rakúsku, Ukrajine, Bielorusku a v Ruskej federácii. Jeho obrazy sú v galériách a súkromných zbierkach v mnohých európskych štátoch, ale aj v USA, Japonsku, Číne, Južnej Kórei, Kazachstane a v Austrálii.
Andrej Smolák je činorodý a tvorivý umelec i človek. Galerista a organizátor kultúrnych projektov. Striedavo žije a pracuje v Snine a v Bratislave.